Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In Bloom

“Let's go to that house...
for the linen looks white and smells of lavender,
and I long to be in a pair of sheets that smell so. “
Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler , 1653

Monday, July 27, 2009


"If your heart is straight with God,
then every creature will be to you
a mirror of life
and a book of holy doctrine."
Thomas à Kempis

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More In Season

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Purple Hull Peas.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eating Seasonally

Our neighborhood's local market...

Isn't it beautiful?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home again.

The evenings are drawing in.

There is beauty, comfort, and expectation in the continuity of Life.
The continuity of sunrise and sunset, the ongoing seasons, the magnolia bloom in the summer and the ripe apple in the fall.
Time to prepare as we glance toward the end of summer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another Detour

Off to the mountains for a week...

A Little Levity

In case you missed the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island yesterday... These two competitors squared off yesterday with the now famous Rae's Creek Hot Dog Eating Contest.

They would have been eliminated from contention in the first fifteen seconds!
(Maybe that's a good thing!)

Friday, July 3, 2009


Dear Friends,
Let us not take for granted the beauty
and blessing of our freedoms.
Freedoms gained by independence, not dependence.
Let us be ever diligent and watchful to guard these freedoms.
Freedoms that are never free.

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"Nations grown corrupt
Love bondage more than liberty;
Bondage with ease than strenuous liberty."
~John Milton

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Detour

Recently, while traveling through Allendale County, South Carolina we noticed a dirt road designated by a National Register marker. We pulled off the nearly deserted sunny tarmac and onto the dirt road. The coolness of the encroaching forest enveloped us and led us down a green leafy tunnel. We could barely make out an old structure in a clearing at the end of the road...

Antioch Christian Church

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From South Carolina Department of Archives and History :
Antioch Christian Church was the second Disciples of Christ Church in South Carolina. Today, according to the South Carolina Disciples, it is the oldest standing structure of that faith in the state and has been referred to as the “Mother Church.” Antioch is also significant as an excellent example of the meeting house style of church architecture. The simplicity of the design is carried out in the interior. The walls are plaster, and the original pews of hand-hewn pine remain intact. The South Carolina Disciples of Christ renovated the church in 1976, although the interior was not included in the renovation. Included within the acreage is a cemetery where many of Allendale’s oldest families are buried. Listed in the National Register December 12, 1977.