Friday, December 12, 2008

Indoor Blooms

These were definitely investment pieces. I purchased these two Christmas cacti in December last year, in pink and one in white. They summered on our patio, basking contentedly in the Gerogia heat and humidity. Waiting quietly in the background through Easter brunch, Birthday dinners, the Fourth's low country boil, and many family get-togethers. Finally in late November I noticed tiny buds at the end of many of the branches. It was their time to shine. I brought them indoors, fertilized, and placed them to their best advantage in the living room. Up to this point they have been our only Christmas decoration this year---and, really?...what more could you ask for?


Dominique L said...

In our botany class, we're making of flower art on paper and one of my classmates, had something quite like this picture.

Ah Christmas.

pinkcamojeep said...

I'd love for you to click over and read about my Christmas cactus, Katherine. ... please ...