Friday, November 27, 2009


I am incredibly blessed
to have these shining faces around my table.
Each one unique with their own special set of
years, talents, beauty, and troubles.
Each one touches me
in a particular place only they can reach.
Each one brings out a special aspect
only they are able to reveal.
And each one an immortal image bearer.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Late Afternoon Light

Still life in the dining room.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


“What is asked of us...
is that we break open our blocked caves
 and find each other.
 Nothing less will heal the anguished spirit
 or release the heart to act in love.”
thoughts of Father Tim,
Chapter 4, A Light in the Window
 Jan Karon

As the holidays approach, I find relationships on my mind.  I have been re-reading the Mitford series and having just finished the second book (A Light in the Window), I am struck anew with how we all struggle in our relationships--as evidenced by Father Tim and Cynthia.  We want deep, meaningful relationships that are celebrated by the holidays--a coming together of hearts and minds.  But...our world is broken, and we can't love like we were meant to love...without Christ. I pray that Christ will break the blocked caves, closed doors, and fortified walls of my heart.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


"We can all see God in
exceptional things,
 but it requires the growth of spiritual discipline
to see God in every detail.
 Never believe
 that the so-called random events of life
are anything less than God's appointed order.
Be ready to discover
 His designs anywhere and everywhere."

November 14,
My Utmost for His Highest,
Oswald Chambers

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Fall sunset
on the obelisk chimney of the
 Confederate Powder Works.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

In Bloom

Confederate Rose (Hibiscus mutabilis).
A southern passalong,the Confederate Rose, has been blooming in the Augusta area since the beginning of October. The enormous blossoms look like a cross between a peony and a hibiscus and only last a few days.  Some forms bloom white and turn pink, while others bloom pink and remain pink.

The leaves are large, as are the tight rounded buds that pop up all over the shrub.  Petals are tissue thin, similar to crepe paper, and arranged in a ruffly ballgownish form. Propagate by taking cuttings now and placing them in a bucket of water until spring when you should see some roots, then plant for spectacular fall color and cuttings to share. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm not sure if I'm ready!