Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Birding Georgia

Having just met my deadline for the March/April issue of Newnan Coweta magazine, I now have time to begin a long promised series of Bird paintings for my First Born---our resident birder. This is the first in the series---an Acadian Flycatcher.
A 12 year old whose driving ambition is to beat the Georgia "Big Year" record of 331 species.

He started in January with a four day trip traversing the perimeter of Georgia with a trusted driver...Dad. His map, with route in red (beginning and ending in Augusta).


Anonymous said...

Oh, how much he looks like his daddy! Wow! So handsome! ;)

Kat said...

Thanks Tracey!

pinkcamojeep said...

We were in Tennessee over the Christmas holiday and saw a Whooping Crane. Yes!!!! It was really cool. It was with a few hundred .... or close to a thousand? .... Sand Hill Cranes near Chattanooga TN at a refuge. Really cool!